E-Squared: Erin’s Eclectic

Eclectic adventures about travel, food, and lost arts.

A Sad Flowerbed

A Sad Flowerbed

One sees a flower bed in the front yard. One can see tulips hostas and other perennial plants. It’s like people buy houses because there are pretty flower beds. The flower beds added to the curb appeal. Then proceed to not care about the flowerbeds that previously were lovingly tended. Or so my imagination creates the story of the cute little old lady who loved her garden. Along comes someone new who doesn’t care. Makes one wonder how they maintain the inside of the house. Is it like what they say about nails. That you should maintain your nails because people can see or assume that depending on how well you take care of your nails is how well you take care of other things. So makes me wonder how clean these home owners nails are.
Also this can be almost the start of social commentary of the area I live in. Now that quite a few homes are presenting this way. This used to be a low crime cute town. Is it slowly getting worse or is society in general just not caring about maintaining their homes and possibly selves anymore? Is it just here? Or is it everywhere?