E-Squared: Erin’s Eclectic

Eclectic adventures about travel, food, and lost arts.

Korean Restaurant

Korean Restaurant

On Tuesday I took my foster child Zoey to have Korean food for the first time. Zoey is obsessed, as are almost all teenyboppers are with all things KPop. So what better way to get her to know a culture than by their food.
Unfortunately Zoey is not as adventurous with food as I am. She chose the chicken katsu. Which is a chicken cutlet that has been hammered flat battered and fried in panko crumbs. It’s primarily a Japanese dish in origin. I chose what is one her favorite Kpop group BTS’ food: Kimchi stew.


Regardless of what dish you choose you are given about 5 different sides on little plates. Pickled daikon, black bean in soy sauce and sesame seeds, squid in a garlic chili sauce were for me the most memorable.
Our dishes come, Zoeys with rice and salad and mine just with rice. They give her a fork because her skills with chopsticks are primarily at the stabbing stage. Mine though not exceptional can at least pick up most items.
The kimchi stew is a red soup with cabbage, pork and a few rice cakes. I essentially eat all the items out of the stew over the rice with my chopsticks. Afterwards I attempt the broth with the long handled teaspoon I was provided.I’m not sure if this is the correct way to eat the stew and the spoon was an interesting change.
Zoey spent most of our time there watching music videos of kpop groups on their TVs. Overall it was good food and Zoey and I tried something new.

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